Safety Observation Tool


Open to maritime pilot organisations’ staff.

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Free community beta

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Share your safety observations to notify the pilots who come after you.

There are several programmes around the world that pilots can use to report their safety observations, such as issues with pilot ladders. However, in most initiatives, this is a one-way street, and the observations stay with the organisations they were reported to.

Safety could be improved by this information being shared instantly with qualified staff at the next port of call so that unsafe circumstances can be anticipated and mitigated. This is why Tidalis is launching a solution free of charge, in which pilots can note what they see on board, to the benefit of their colleagues. The more people participate, the greater the safety improvement.

The observation service website has started with basic functionality. For maximum relevance, we want this service to be community guided, to provide functionality that is exactly right. We invite users to make suggestions for features to increase the usefulness of the service.